Little Witch RPG - Game Dev Weekly - 11/4 to 11/10

This week I finished up the final section of the GameDev.TV Unity RPG Course!
After allowing myself to spend an extra few days to polish this up I've reached a good stopping point and have uploaded the project to for Windows, OSX, and browser playable~

Click here to play the game -

I'd love to spend more time on this and maybe flesh it out, but for now I am sticking to the plan and starting the final stretch of my educational road-map... the 2D game artist course!

Since I'm a bit tired from this week's development I'll just go ahead and place here the review I left on the course just in case anyone else is interested in it.

5 out of 5 stars

This course should be considered "required reading" for anyone who wants to take a serious step beyond beginner Unity and game development knowledge.

Having completed the 1.0, game physics, virtual reality, unity certification, before now completing the RPG course produced by the team at Gamedev.TV you would think that there wouldn't be much left to learn but the opposite is true. The topics this course covers such as interfaces, event based systems via delegates, parent and child classes, and scriptable objects are all so important that this course will completely change how you make Unity games.

Now it's time to get back to spiffing up this RPG on my own for awhile before starting their 2D game artist course, see you all again soon!